9.Fyndiq Logs ↑ Back to Top
To see and manage Fyndiq logs,
- Go to your PrestaShop admin Panel.
- Place cursor on Fyndiq Integration.
- When the menu appears, click Fyndiq logs.
- On clicking it, you will be navigated to the page as:
To see the log,
- Click the view sign (
) under Response.
- On clicking it, a box will appear as shown below, where you may enter the start and end dates for which you want to view the logs.
To delete a log,
- Click on the delete button in the last column, adjacent to the log.
- The log will be deleted and this message will appear:
To delete all the logs,
- Click on the Delete All Log which is highlighted in the image below:
- On clicking it, all the logs will be deleted.