6.Shopee Order(s) ↑ Back to Top
To see and manage Shopee Imported Orders,
- Go to your OpenCart dashboard.
- Place cursor on Shopee Integration and then on Orders.
It appears as:
- Click on Orders and then on Imported Order(s). The page you will be navigated to would look like:
- On this page, you may fetch the orders by clicking on Fetch Orders button as shown in the red box in the image above.
- Once the orders have been fetched, you may see and manage them.
To view the failed orders.
- Go to your OpenCart dashboard.
- Place cursor on Shopee Integration and then on Orders.
- Click on Failed Orders.
The tab appears as shown in the figure:
- You may see all the failed Shopee orders on this page.
- You may see on the page, the failed Shopee orders’ ID, SKU, Reason, and Action.
- You may also cancel the order(s) by selecting the order(s) and clicking on Cancel button on the top right side of the page.
To view the failed orders details,
- Click on View Order button as shown above in the figure.
The tab appears as shown in the figure: