
Configuration Settings

Once the module has been installed, the first necessary step needs to be taken by the admin is to complete the Configuration.

To do the Configuration Settings,

  • Go to your OpenCart admin panel.
  • Click the Catch option which is on the left navigation bar, as shown in the figure below:

  • From the menu that appears as shown in the image below, click on Configuration.

  • On clicking Settings, you will be navigated to the Catch Configuration page as shown below:

API configuration Settings:

  • Under the API Configuration, you will find the following settings.

  • In Module Status choose Enabled to enable the module. Without Enabling the module, all the changes made will not reflect on the Catch marketplace.
  • In API Mode, select from Sandbox or Production. The sandbox mode is for testing and the Production mode is for the live changes on Catch Marketplace.
  • Enter your Catch API Key in the next section. This is available on your Catch Seller Panel.
  • In Debug Mode, select Enable if you want the Debug log to be created.


Product Configuration Settings:

  • In Sync Inventory Price By Cron users can synchronize the inventory price every time the cron runs.
  • In 

Order Configuration Settings

  • In Email Orders, enter the email id on which you want to get notified about the Catch orders via mail.
  • In Fetch Catch Order(s) select the range from when you wish the orders to be fetched.
Cron Configuration Settings
  • The Sync Inventory Price, Fetch and Create Order Crons are mentioned below.
  • Click on the Save Button to save all the settings as shown:


  • A confirmation message appears as shown below:
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