2.Configuration ↑ Back to Top
After the installation of the Mercado Libre CBT integration for the Magento extension is done the next step you need to do is the Configuration step for the Integration process.
To complete the configuration,
- Goto your Magento Admin Panel.
- On the top navigation bar, place the cursor on Mlibre CBT.
- When the menu appears, click Configuration.
- On clicking it, you will be navigated to the configuration page which appears as:
MLibre CBT Settings
- Click on MLibre CBT Settings and the section will expand as:
- In Enabled, select Yes to enable the extension.
- On selecting Yes, the section expands as:
- Select the Mode in Mode option.
- In API Url, enter https://api-cbt.mercadolibre.com/
- Fill your client ID in the Client Id field, which you may get from your MercadoLibre CBT seller panel or from the sandbox panel once you have created the app there.
- Fill your client secret in the Client Secret field, which you may get from your MercadoLibre CBT seller panel once you have created the app there.
- In case you don’t have your Client Id and Client Secret Key then you can get it by logging in your seller account on MLibre CBT. After you are logged in the screen appears as shown below and then click on Details.
After Clicking on Details, an Application Data window appears where you can see your Client Id and Secret Key and copy it.
- Once done, click on the Save Config button.
- Now save the Redirect URL in your app before fetching the token.
- Now click on the Get Token button which is next to the Client Secret field.
- On clicking Get Token button, the Code(which is the next field), Access Token and Refresh Token get automatically filled.
- In the Redirect URL field, enter www.yourdomain.com/admin/adminhtml_authorize/code where you need
to add your store domain in the place of ‘your domain’ in the URL and also add that Redirect Url in the
seller account on MLibre CBT by going to the Edit Option and then add the Url in the Redirect Url option
as shown:
After entering the Redirect Url Save it. - The Access Token field, as mentioned earlier gets filled automatically when you click the Get Token button.
- The Refresh Token field, as mentioned earlier gets filled automatically when you click Get Token button.
- In Select Store, select your Magento store which you are integrating with the MercadoLibre CBT marketplace.
- In Choose Default Payment Method for Mlibre Orders, select the payment method for the orders which will be placed for your products on Magento.
- In , enter the email address on which you want to get an email whenever a new MercadoLibre order is imported on Magento.
Mlibre Product Price Settings
- In Mlibre Product Price, you may select the price option as they are shown in the image below, to be sent for your products on MercadoLibre CBT.
- Default Magento Price: If this option is selected, the price for which your product will be available on MercadoLibre will be the same as the price of your product on the Magento store.
- Increase By Fixed Price: You may select this option if you want your product price to be increased on MercadoLibre as compared to your Magento store. If you select this option, a box appears as shown below:
- By choosing this option, you may enter the Enter Amount box the amount by which you want your product price to be increased on MercadoLibre CBT as compared to your Magento store. Suppose if you enter 50 in this field and your product is for 100 on your Magento store, then the amount that your product will be available for on MercadoLibre CBT would be 150 (as the amount entered is 50 for Increase by fixed amount, so the price entered would be added to the price for which product is available on Magento store).
- Increase By Fixed Percentage: You may use this option if you want the price of your Magento product to be increased on MercadoLibre CBT by a certain percentage. By choosing this option, you may enter the Enter Amount box the percentage amount by which you want your product price to be increased on MercadoLibre CBT as compared to your Magento store. Suppose if you enter 20 in this field and your product is for 100 on your Magento store, then the amount that your product will be available for on MercadoLibre CBT would be 120 (as 20% of 100 is 20 which gets added to 100).
- Decrease By Fixed Price- You may use this option if you want the price of your Magento product to be decreased on MercadoLibre CBT. By choosing this option, you may enter the Enter Amount box the amount by which you want your product price to be decreased on MercadoLibre CBT as compared to your Magento store. Suppose if you enter 50 in this field and your product is for 100 on your Magento store, then the amount that your product will be available for on MercadoLibre CBT would be 50 (as the amount entered is 50 for Decrease by fixed amount, so the price entered would be subtracted from the price for which the product is available on Magento store).
- Decrease By Fixed Percentage- You may use this option if you want the price of your Magento product to be decreased on MercadoLibre CBT by a certain percent. By choosing this option, you may enter the Enter Amount box the percentage amount by which you want your product price to be decreased on MercadoLibre CBT as compared to your Magento store. Suppose if you enter 20 in this field and your product is for 100 on your Magento store, then the amount that your product will be available for on MercadoLibre CBT would be 80 (as 20% of 100 is 20 which gets subtracted from 100).
- Then the next option is Select Countries to upload/publish products. In this option select the country from the drop-down list select the countries where you want the products to upload and publish.
- International Shipping Settings: In this, you can set the international shipping charges based on the Country.
- Price Settings: In this, the price of the product is set according to the country and by the increasing or decreasing the price.
*Note: The Pricing and Shipping settings in the configuration will be used by default if it is not saved and it if has been saved then it will have the priority.
Order Settings
- In Fetch Mlibre Orders From field, select the point of time from which you want the orders to be fetched, till date. for your products on MercadoLibre CBT.
- In Fetch Mlibre Orders of Status, select the status which if a MercadoLibre CBT order has, will be fetched from MercadoLibre CBT to Magento. It means that if you select a particular status in this field, then all the orders on MercadoLibre CBT with that status will be fetched to Magento.
- In Cancel Order on Mlibre On Order Cancel In Magento, the cancellation of an order in Mlibre CBT is done in Magento orders if the option is selected to ‘YES’ and if the option selected is ‘NO’ then the cancellation request will not be sent to Mlibre CBT.
- In Default Zip Code For Mlibre Orders, the zip code for the order creation in Magento of Mlibre CBT is to be entered.
- In Enable To Send Default Message To Mlibre Customer, a message is sent to the Mlibre customer after the order creation in Magento.
Developer Settings
- In Debug Mode, you may select Yes if you want the log to be created.
- In Product Chunk Size, select the number of products to be sent to MercadoLibre in one batch.
Cron Settings
- In Cron Settings Override, you may select Yes, you will be able to make changes in the Cron Settings and the section will expand as shown above.
- In Enable Order Cron, you may enable the order cron by selecting Yes.
- In Enable Inventory Cron, you may enable the Inventory cron by selecting Yes.
Now, when you have taken all these actions, you need to click on the Save Config button and the configuration process will be completed.