2.API Creation Process ↑ Back to Top
To Create AliExpress App
- Register on AliExpress Account.
- Then Goto the link: https://developers.aliexpress.com/en/doc.htm?docId=108970&docType=1.
The window will open as:
- Now your first need to register as a seller. So Click on Register as Seller. Fill out all the required details and you will be registered as an AliExpress seller.
- After the seller account creation, you need to create a Developer Account. For this Click on Developer Account.
- Once the developer account is created you need to login to your developer’s account and create the app. For creating App, go to the link: https://console.aliexpress.com/?spm=a219a.7386653.0.0.6ee89b718jwe70#/app/manager?spm=a219a.7386653.0.0.6ee89b718jwe70&_k=zjhnns
- Once the app is created you can see your App Key and Secret Key.