
Required and Basic Paypal Adaptive Setting

Merchant PayPal associated Email Id

This will require entering the email id of the merchant. Please note that only the merchant will be the primary receiver in case of the chained payment method.


PayPal Application ID

Here it will require entering the PayPal application id when you are fetching the information of the PayPal credential. By default, the PayPal application id of the merchant will be “APP- 80W284485P519543T” so, use this application id for the PayPal adaptive payment methods.


PayPal API User Name

Please enter the PayPal API username here as you might have already done for other PayPal payment method setups.


PayPal API Password

Please enter the PayPal API password here as you might have done for other PayPal payment method setups.


PayPal API Signature

Please enter the PayPal API signature here as you might have done for other PayPal payment method setups.


Sandbox Mode

If you want to set the payment mode as testing then, set the sandbox mode to ‘yes’ and test your setup properly, activate your shop with PayPal adaptive.



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