3.Manage Carousel ↑ Back to Top
To manage the carousel,
- Go to Magento Admin Panel.
- On the left side in the navigation bar menu click on Product Carousel
- Click on Manage Carousel.
The Manage Product Carousel appears as shown below:
- To add a product carousel click on Add Product Carousel button.
The New Product Carousel Page appears as shown below:
- Under General Information, do the following steps:
- In the Status, select Enable.
- In the Title, enter the title of the carousel.
- In the Identifier, enter the identifier name.
- In the Number of Items, enter the number of items for the carousel.
- In the Number of items in Desktop, enter the items to be displayed on the desktop.
- In Number of Items in Tablet Landscape, enter the items to be displayed in the landscape mode in Tablet.
- In the Number of Items in Tablet Portrait, enter the items to be displayed in the portrait mode in Tablet.
- In the Number of items in Smartphone, enter the items to be displayed on the smartphone.
- In Show Navigation Dots, select Yes if you want navigation dots.
- In Show Navigation Arrows, select Yes if you want the navigation arrows.
- In Show Add To Cart, select Yes if you want the add cart button in the carousel.
- In Show Out of Stock, select Yes if you want to display the out-of-stock products.
- Now click on Product matching, the tab expands as shown below:
- Under Product Matching, do the following steps:
- In Product Limit, enter the limit for the products.
- In the Conditions, add the condition of the products.
- Now click on Additional Filter, the section is expanded as shown below:
- Under Additional Filter, do the following steps:
- In Show New Product Only, select Yes if ant to show only new products in the carousel.
- In From Date, select the Date from which the product will be displayed.
- In To Date, select the end date for the products display in the carousel.
- Now click on the Sorting menu, it is expanded as shown below:
- Under Sorting, do the following steps:
- In Attributes, select the categories created.
- In Sort By, select the order as Ascending or Descending for the products to appear in the carousel.
- Click on Save Product Carousel Button.
The carousel will be saved and displayed in Manage Carousel Grid.