
Creating a eBay Developer Account

When the CedCommerce Vendor eBay product importer has been successfully installed, Admin needs to enable the feature for the vendor from admin configuration and vendor need to fill the required detail to import the products from eBay.

To get the Required detail eBay Access Token, eBay Token Session ID.

Creating Account and Getting Detail

To get the account related detail, you need to navigate to

if a vendor does not have an account he needs to create an account to get the above-required details

1. To create a new account go to and click on the Register, and if the vendor already has an account can directly sign in to the panel.


2. Now, the user needs to fill the detail and create the account by clicking on the Join button.


3. Based on Vendor details required he can have a Sandbox Details for Testing Purpose and Product Detail for Live environment. Click on User Token



Vendor needs this Token To enter in his panel to link the connection between eBay to vendor store.

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