
Bulk Product Create

This feature of the Vendor add-on creates the products in bulk with the basic details.

To Create Products In Bulk

  1. Vendor needs to log in to his panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click the eBay Product Importer menu.
  3. Click Import Products.
    The eBay Products Import page appears as shown in the following figure:
  4. Click the Arrow button next to the eBay Product Import button.
    A menu appears as shown in the figure.
  5. Click the Bulk Product Create option.
    The Create eBay Products page appears as shown in the following figure:

    If there is an error in the bulk product creation process, then the error details appear on the page. Otherwise, the bulk products are created successfully and a success message appears.
  6. Click the Back button to go back to the eBay Products page.
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