
Add a New Profile

To add a new profile,

  1. Go to the Magento Admin panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click on the Bol Integration.
    The menu appears as shown below:
  3. Click on Manage Profiles.
    The Profile Management page appears as shown below:
  4. The New Profile page appears as shown below:
  5. Under General Information, do the following steps:
    • In Profile Code, enter the unique code for the profile.
    • In Profile Name, enter the name of your profile.
    • In Profile Status, select the status of the profile, i.e., Enable or Disable.
  6. Now in the left menu click on Attribute Mappings, the section appears as shown below:
  7. Under Attribute Mapping, you can directly search the categories or choose from the drop-down menu. Add the Bol Category and then map the Bol required and optional attributes with the Magento attributes.
  8. Then in the left menu, click on Profile Products, the section appears as shown below:

    All the listed products will be displayed here in the grid.
  9. In the left menu click on Product Offer, the section appears as shown below:
  10. Under Product Offer do the following steps:
    • In the Managed By Retail, select Yes to specify if the shipment has been fulfilled by the retailer.
    • In Delivery Code, select the delivery promise that applies to this offer. This value will only be used in combination with the Fulfilment Method ‘FBR’.
    • In Product Condition, select the condition of the offered product.
    • In Method, select the fulfilment method- Fulfilled by the retailer (FBR) or fulfilled by (FBB).
    • In the Change Option, select the price option.
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