
Install the Downloaded Product

The naming convention of the downloaded package is as <>.

For example,

Here are some prerequisites that the user has to verify before installation

  1. Magento Version Community Edition 2.0 is already installed.
  2. In case of any dependency on any extension, the relevant extension should be already installed.


To Add the Module to the Magento 2 Directory

  1. Extract the downloaded package <>.
    Note: After extracting the compressed file, check whether the available folder is /app or <ModuleName>.

    If the available folder is /app, then go to step 1- a. If the available folder is <ModuleName>, then go to step 1- b.

    1. Copy the /app folder from the provided package and paste it to the <Magento 2 Folder>.
    2. Copy the folder <ModuleName> from the provided package and paste it to the <Magento 2 Folder>/app/code/Ced.
      Create the required folder structure in the system if it does not exist.
  2. Open the terminal (cmd) and do the following steps:
    1. Change the directory to Magento 2 root directory using the cd command.
    2. Run the command: php bin\magento setup:upgrade
      Note: Only after completion of Step 2- b, follow the step 2-c:
    3. Run the command: php bin\magento setup:static-content:deploy
      Note: Only after completion of Step 2- c, follow the step 2-d:
    4. Run the command: php bin/magento setup:di:compile
      Note: If php is not accessible globally then replace php with the complete path of php.
  3. Go to the Admin panel of the store, and first clear the Magento 2 cache.
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