
Review Based Badges

Navigate to CED Marketplace > Vendor Badges > Review-based badges

A page of the badge list will appear as shown in the below screenshot.

Add New Badge

An admin can add a New Badge to his marketplace by clicking on the Add New Badge button, as shown in the above screenshot.

Next, it will redirect the user to the Add Review-based badge form page, as shown in the below-attached screenshot. Fill in the details as. 

  • Badge Name: Give the vendor badge a name. Admins will see this name as a reference.
  • Image: Upload an image of the badge that will be visible to the customers on the vendor’s profile page of the particular seller.
  • Enable: Select the status as Yes if the admin wants the badge to be active in the marketplace.
  • Points: Provide a parameter that will be used to decide if a vendor is eligible for the particular badge in the form of points. For example, if the vendor has more than 7 five-star reviews, a badge will be assigned to him automatically.
  • Save once your settings are done using  button placed in the top right corner of the page.

Edit Badge

  • The badge details can be edited by navigating to the CED Marketplace < Vendor Badges < Review Based Badges.
  • A badge list will appear. Click on the Edit label in the row of the badge to be edited. Below shown form page will be displayed.

  • Edit the details as per the requirement. Next, click on the Save badge button.
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