

The section enables you to view all the issues occurring on your Google Merchant account center. The section here is meant to eliminate the need to switch between the app and Google Merchant center back and forth to view issues.

The section is divided into three parts and lists the total number of Item issues shopping, product issues, and feed issues.

  • Items Issues Shopping: in this section, you will be able to view all item-related issues occurring on your Google Merchant Center. It also includes the total count of Active items, Expiring items, Pending items, and Disapproved items.
    Here, you will find every detail about what issues are being faced and along with the details of the items such as Attribute name, description, and the status of the issues – whether resolved or not.

  • Feed issues: In this section, you will find all the issues occurring on your Google Merchant Center regarding product feeds.

  • Account issues: The section list all the account-related issues over here along with reasons. You can easily acknowledge and resolved any account issue by reviewing the reasons for the same from here.


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