
WP Advanced PDF PRO Log

Once the plug-in is purchased and installed, it appears as the menu on the left navigation bar of the Admin panel.

When the Admin clicks any of the WP Advanced PDF PRO or the WP Advanced PDF PRO Log options, both the options appear below the WP Advanced PDF PRO menu displayed on the left navigation bar as shown in the following figure:


To view the WP Advanced PDF PRO Log of PDF downloads

  1. On the left navigation bar, click the WP Advanced PDF PRO Log menu.
    The Log Of PDF downloads page appears as shown in the following figure:
    The admin can perform the following tasks:

    • Bulk Actions: Using Bulk Actions the admin can perform the selected action on the selected logs in bulk.
    • Remove Log: Click the Remove Log button associated with the required log to remove the log.

To delete the logs in bulk

  1. Select the check boxes associated with the logs that the admin wants to delete.
  2. Click the arrow button next to the Bulk Actions list, and then click Delete.
  3. Click the Apply button next to the Bulk Actions list.
    All the selected logs are deleted.
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