
Editing the Profile On VidaXL

To edit the profile:

  • Go to your Woocommerce admin panel, below the CedCommerce Menu which is on the left navigation bar.
  • Click on the VidaXL on the panel as shown in the image below:
    VidaXL Integration For WooCommerce
  • On clicking VidaXL, it will appear a page where you will Click on Profile. The PROFILES page appears as shown in the following figure:
    VidaXL Integration For WooCommerce
  • In this, you just need to click on Edit written below the name of the category as shown in the image below:
    VidaXL Inttegration For WooCommerce
  • On clicking Edit, it will appear a page where you will be able to see 2 subsections i.e.
    a) Basic Profile: In this, the details will be auto fetched as shown in the image below:
    VidaXL Integration For WooCommerceb) Product Specific: In this, you are required to fill the details and there are some which are having written REQUIRED over there fields means those are the mandatory fields as shown in the image below:
    VidaXL Integration For WooCommerce
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