4.Lazada Profiles ↑ Back to Top
To create and manage the required Lazada Product Profile
→ Go to the PrestaShop Admin panel.
→ In the left navigation panel, place cursor on Lazada Integration menu.
The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
-> Click Profile menu. The Lazada Profile page appears as shown in the following figure:
Here you can see all created profiles and If you want to add a new Profile, click on the ‘Add New Profile’ button setup on the top corner.
The page appears as shown in figure:
-> In the Profile section, do the following steps:
- In title, enter your Profile Name
- In Status, click on ‘Enable’ to enable the status of the module.
- In-Store Categories, choose your Prestashop Store Category.
Move to another section, Lazada Category & Attributes,
The page appears as shown in the figure:
-> In Lazada Category & Attributes, do the following steps:
- In Lazada Category, you can choose Lazada Category on which you want to list your products, respectively attributes will come.
- Once get mapped, click on the save button to save the profile.