Home » OpenCart » Shopee OpenCart Integration Guide OverviewConfiguration SettingsShopee CategoriesProfile ManagementAdding a New ProfileEditing a ProfileDeleting a ProfileProduct ManagementShopee Order(s)Shopee DiscountOrder ReturnLogisticsShopee logs 10.Shopee logs ↑ Back to TopTo see the logs, Go to OpenCart dashboard. Place cursor on Shopee Integration. The menu appears as: Click Logs and the page appears as: In this section, you can see all logs, like if any exception or any errors occurs due to module you can see along with the message. Was this helpful? Yes No Suggest edit « Logistics Suggest Edit Captcha : Submit Mautic Opencart IntegrationSunsky Product Importer for Opencart – User Guide1688 Product Importer for Opencart – User Guide × Post navigation Etsy Opencart Integration GuideFruugo OpenCart Integration-User Guide