
Description of Fields in TikTok Account

Description of Fields in TikTok Account

  • Account Id – The Id of your TikTok account.
  • Title – It is the name of your account.
  • Status – The value here denotes the status of your account. It will be Valis for active accounts and Invalid for disabled accounts
  • Country – The country of your origin.
  • Store view – This option is to provide you with an appropriate store view. Choose the appropriate store view from which you desire to upload the product information.

Default Store View : It informs you about which version or view of your store is selected. There can be different store views based on the language of the store. 

             All Store View: It is the default view of your magento store.

Store view plays a key role in ensuring that products from the store are fetched to the marketplace in the        language in which it is acceptable on the marketplace . Suppose, if you are listing products on the marketplace in Spanish language, the information will be fetched from your store view with product details in Spanish only. 

        As a result, it will benefit seller in following ways,

                  Eliminate hassle caused by listing error due to language conflict on the TikTok marketplace. 

                 List the product in the appropriate language at the first attempt.

  • Environment – This section denotes environment as sandbox or production.  It will be production by default.
  • Synchronization policy – This policy defines how products would sync from your Magneto store to TikTok marketplace.
  • Order policy – The policy deals with order processing and shipping.
  • Action – Here are two options available to edit and fetch onboarding data of your account.


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