

Edit Policies

Step 1: Under the Action column you get the Edit option (Miravia Policy -> Action ->Edit). As you click on the Edit, it will allow you to edit or update the values of that specific policy.

Step 2: Enter the values in the below fields

  • Title – This section allows you to update the name of the policy for your personal identification.
  • Main Image – Here choose the attribute that you want to contain product image
  • Default Image URL – You have two options to choose from to upload product images (in JPG or PNG). You can choose to insert an image (max 2MB ) from your system or from the gallery of your Magento store.
  • Gallery Images – Here you can mention maximum gallery images to be uploaded on the Miravia marketplace.

Delete the Policies

Step 1: Deleting the policies is an easy task. You can select the policies to be deleted using the select option right next to the Action column (Miravia Policy ->Select Option). 

Step 2: Next, choose the Delete option in the drop down menu right above the table containing policy attributes.(Miravia Policy ->Action -> Delete).

Add a New Policy

Step 1: Navigate to the Add Policy button at the top on the right side (Miravia Policy ->Add Policy).

Step 2: Click on the arrow icon, it will display a list of policy types. Select the type of policy you would like to add (here we are selecting inventory policy). It will redirect you to the New Policy page.

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