- Overview
- Features for Admin
- General Configurations
- Landing Page Configuration
- Vendor Account Configuration
- Vendor Product Configuration
- Vendor Order Configuration
- Vendor Commission Configuration
- Vendor shop pages
- Vendor Multi Shipping
- Vendor Review Rating
- Vendor Social Login
- Installed Extensions
- Vendor Account Management
- Vendor Product Assignment
- Vendor Product Management
- Vendor Order Management
- Vendor Transaction Management
- Managing Vendor Transaction From Vendor Order Grid
- Manage Requested Transactions
- Vendor Transactions
- Vendor Review
- Vendor Rating Parameters
- Features for Vendors
- Features for Customers
- Support

2.21.Manage Rating Parameters ↑ Back to Top
Goto CED Marketplace > Vendor Review Rating > Manage Rating to add rating parameters.
Magento Admin users can add various rating parameters which are displayed to customers while giving reviews to vendors. Click on “Add New “ to create a new Rating Parameter.
Admin can edit any rating parameter by clicking on the desired rating parameter row.
Rating Label: The name of the rating parameter.
Rating Code: Provide a unique code for the rating parameter
Sort Order: The sort order i.e. the order for displaying the rating parameters can be given here.
Delete Rating: To delete any rating parameter.