
How To fulfill BigCommerce Orders To Aliexpress?

As the orders are fetched from BigCommerce store to the app, so can be processed by following the below steps.

Click on the icon (highlighted in the below image) associated with the order. Then you will find an option to choose the shipping provider.

Upon selecting the appropriate shipping method click on the Create Order button. This way, the order is created and returns an AliExpress order ID.

select shipping method

As soon the order is created either complete the checkout instantly or check order section in AliExpress Buyer Account.shipping details


Points to be noted

  • Disable the auto shipment process in your BigCommerce store if you have connected a third-party Shipping Provider in your BigCommerce Store.
  • If you are a new user on aliexpress, then it might take 4-7 days for credit card verification. It is recommended to contact aliexpress support in such scenarios.
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