
Etsy Product Advanced Price Settings

Authorizing the merchants with an option to increase or decrease the price of the product by specific amount or percentage, the Etsy Product Advanced Price Settings comes with a section regarding it that empowers one to make alterations to the pricings with a certain increment or reduction. For instance, with this setting, if one chooses Increase By Fixed Price in the first bar and then enters 100 in the bar following it, the price will be augmented on Etsy by 100 as compared to the price of the same product on the Magento store. Similarly, if one chooses Increase By Fixed Percentage in the first bar and enters 10 in the following bar, the price of the product will be increased by 10 percent on Etsy as compared to the Magento store. The Decrease By Fixed Price and Decreased By Fixed Percentage options work in the same way, but by decreasing the price of the product on Etsy as compared to the Magento store.

etsy product advanced price settings

etsy product advanced price settings

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