to Add a Supplementary Feed ↑ Back to Top
Now that you have understood what supplementary feed is, let us now go through the steps to add a supplementary feed.
- Go to the dashboard and click on “Products” from the panel on the left-hand side.
- The drop-down panel will show you two product options: Primary Feed and Supplementary Feed. From the drop-down, click on the “Supplementary Feed.”
- When you select “Supplementary Feed,” an empty panel will appear on the app window. Select “Import Products” from the upper right-hand side.
- A pop-up stating “Choose Product Catalog Feed” will appear.
- From the “Choose Feed” drop-down menu, select the “Feed” from where you want to sync the product. After selecting the required feed, click “Confirm.”
- A green pop-up box “Additional product sync started” will appear.
- Now, select the item for which you want to provide additional information. Click on the “Map” button below the Action tab. A “Map Attributes” window will appear.
Note: The Category of the product will be Pre-assigned. You have already defined the required product category during the onboarding process. However, you can update the category if necessary.
A list appears from where you can add additional attributes.
- From the list of “Recommended Attributes,” you can choose to fill the attributes you want to include.
- Once you have filled in all the details, click on the “Save” button.
- A green pop-up box “Attribute mapping saved successfully” will appear.
- Now select the item again for which you have recently added attributes. Head to the top left-hand side, click on Choose “Action” and select “Update” from the drop-down.
- A green pop-up box “Product Updated successfully” will appear.
You can check your supplementary feed update by following the step below:
- Go to “Facebook Commerce Manager” and click on “Data Source.” Under Data Feeds, you’ll see, Supplementary Feeds.
- Through this panel, you can track the progress of your “Feed Uploading.”
- Once the Feed is uploaded successfully, go back to the items list on Facebook Commerce Manager.
- Select the item for which you updated the Supplementary feed. Click on “View More” Feeds.
- A Feed window will appear, with all the product related details. Check if all the updated attributes are visible.
- Once all the changes appear on the list, choose the “Done” option.
Once you complete all the steps, the Supplementary feed will be successfully updated without leaving the app.
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