- Overview
- Features for Admin
- General Configurations
- Landing Page Configuration
- Vendor Account Configuration
- Vendor Product Configuration
- Vendor Order Configuration
- Vendor Commission Configuration
- Vendor shop pages
- Vendor Multi Shipping
- Vendor Review Rating
- Vendor Social Login
- Installed Extensions
- Vendor Account Management
- Vendor Product Assignment
- Vendor Product Management
- Vendor Order Management
- Vendor Transaction Management
- Managing Vendor Transaction From Vendor Order Grid
- Manage Requested Transactions
- Vendor Transactions
- Vendor Review
- Vendor Rating Parameters
- Features for Vendors
- Features for Customers
- Support

4.1.View Vendor Shop Page ↑ Back to Top
Customers can open a Vendor shop by clicking on the profile image from Marketplace Page or clicking on Vendor’s name from a vendor’s product page.
Inside a vendor shop, customers can check the banner, profile image, information such as Name, email etc. based on the provided details by a Vendor. Customers can search a product inside a vendor shop.
Customers can also change the view of products to list or grid. They will be able to browse the products by categories and choose how many products can be visible on a page with available options by default (12. 24 and 36)