
Catalog Price Rules

Using the Catalog price rules option, the user can set the products for sale under certain terms and conditions in a selective manner.

These conditions define a subset of a catalog to which the user wants to apply the price rules. User can set the date range for each of rules.

Catalog Price rules are applicable on the product in a category or on the product page itself. These are the discounts that are applicable on the products before they are being added to a cart.

To set a new catalog price rule

  1. Go to the Vendor panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click the Promotions menu, and then click Catalog Price Rules.
    The Catalog Price Rules page appears as shown in the following figure:
  3. In the upper-left corner, click the Add New Rule button.
    The New Catalog Price Rule page appears as shown in the following figure:
  4. In the left navigation panel, the menu appears as follows:
    • Rule Information: By default, the General Information section appears in the right panel, where the user can enter the rule information.
    • Condition: By default, the rule is applied to all the products.
    • Actions: User can save and apply the rules immediately or can just save the rule and use whenever required.
  5. Under General Information, do the following steps:
    1. In the Rule Name box, enter the name of the rule.
    2. In the Description box, enter the description of the rule.
    3. In the Status list, select Active.
    4. In the Websites list, select the required websites.
    5. In the Customer Groups list, select the required customer groups.
      TipTip: To select more than one customer groups, select a single group, then hold down the CTRL key, and then click other required groups.
    6. In the From and the To boxes, select the date range for applying the rules.
      Note: Leaving the dates blank, applies the rule immediately after saving.
  6. In the left navigation panel, click Conditions.
    The Conditions section appears in the right panel as shown in the following figure:
  7. Under Conditions, do the following steps:
    • Click the ALL link, and then select ALL or ANY from the list.
    • Click the TRUE link, and then select TRUE or FALSE from the list.
    • Click the AddAddicon, and then select the required condition from the list.
      NoteNote: To apply the rules to all the products, do not change the condition’s value.
  8. In the left navigation panel, click Actions.
    The Pricing Structure Rules section appears as shown in the following figure:
  9. Under Pricing Structure Rules, do the following steps:
    1. In the Apply list, select the required option.
    2. In the Discount Amount box, enter a value.
    3. In the Subproduct discounts list, select Yes to apply discounts to the associated sub-products.
      1. In the Apply list, select the required option.
      2. In the Discount Amount box, enter the value.
      3. In the Discard Subsequent rules list, select Yes or No.
        NoteNote: If the user selects the Yes option, the processing of other rules after this rule is stopped. This prevents the front-end users from receiving multiple discounts for the same product.
  10. Do one of the following steps:
    • Click the Save button to save the rule.
    • Click the Save and Continue Edit button to save the rule and continue the editing.
    • Click the Save and Apply button to save and apply the rule immediately.
      In the upper-right corner of the Catalog Price Rules page, click the Apply Rules button. Refer to the following figure:
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