
Upload Products

To upload all the products on

  • Go to the Walmart BigCommerce Integration
  • Click the Product menu.
  • Click Manage Product.

The Manage Product page appears as shown in the following figure.

  • Select the checkbox on the left side of the product grid corresponding to the products that you want to list on for selected products.
  • If you want to select all the products and upload them to Walmart, then click “Select all 25+ items“.
  • After selecting the products, select “Upload Product” from the “Select bulk action” drop-down.
  • Click on the Action button.

The Product Upload page appears as shown in the following figure:

The product upload process is executed, and the status appears as follows.

Note: If there is an error in the product upload process, it appears on the page. Otherwise, a success message appears with the process status.

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