

In this segment you can view the data or feed that is sent to Amazon in the form of different feeds.

Step 1: Click on the Feeds, which leads to a new page of feeds. You can view all the feed sent to you in the form of feed forms.

Descriptions of fields in the Feeds section:

  • Field Id: Feed Id is a unique code to identify the feed.
  • Status: Feed Status shows the status of your feed i.e., success, error or failure
  • Type: The type of feed is based on your action of inventory sync.
  • Created at: In the created column of the respective row you can view the time on which feed is created.
  • Executed at: In the executed at column of the respective row you can view the time on which feed is executed.
  • Feeds: The section contains feeds or data from Amazon.
  • Response: In the feed response column of the respective row you can view the response from Amazon for the particular feed.
  • Specifics: In the specifics column of the respective row you can view the specific feed between Amazon and BigCommerce.
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