

In this section, you can view order details of the orders falling in any of the following categories:

1) Completed: These are the orders that have been fulfilled from Shopify.

2) Awaiting Completion: These are the orders that have been shipped but are yet to reach the customers.

3) Not Shipped: These are the Rakuten orders that have been created on Shopify but are yet to be shipped.

4) Canceled: These are the orders that were once created on Shopify but have now been canceled.

You can view the following details about your orders:

You can perform any of the following actions in this section:

1) Fetch Order: Fetch unshipped orders from Rakuten & create them on Shopify.

2) Sync All Shipped Orders: Sync the orders shipped from Shopify with Rakuten.

3) Sync Order Status: Sync the order status of the item at Shopify with Rakuten.

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