
Manage Product

This section helps you to view the product details, status, etc. You can also perform various actions on products from this section on either bulk products or individual products.

Product Details: This section helps you to view the following relevant details about your product:

1) Product Image: The product image visible is, the one you upload on Shopify.

2) Title: See the Product Title as appears on Shopify.

3) Product Type: This displays the product type as updated on Shopify.

4) Inventory: View the number of products, available on Shopify.

5) Price: View the product prices as fetched from your Shopify store.

Note: You can view the following information about the following action icon in the product grid:

Product Status: These help in identifying the state of the product on Rakuten.
Products can have any one of the following statuses:

1) Active: These are the products which are available for purchase on Rakuten.

2) Inactive: These are the products which are unavailable for purchase on Rakuten.

3) Item Processing: These are the products under review before being live on Rakuten.

4) Not Uploaded: Products that have been imported to the app from Shopify but are not uploaded on  Rakuten.

Product Action: The actions provided ensure that you can easily upload a product, update the product, carry out synchronization and more.

One can perform any of the following actions:

1) Upload Product: This action helps in listing the desired products on Rakuten.

2) Update Product: This action helps in reflecting the edited product details on Rakuten.

3) Sync from Shopify: This will sync details of products from your Shopify store to the Marketplace.

4) Update Product Status: This will fetch the status of the product and update it on the app.

The blue bold button:

Sync with Rakuten: This button at the top-right corner of the “Products” section, will help to sync the details of the Shopify products in bulk with Rakuten.

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