
Upload Products from Shopify to Walmart

Upload  products

To upload products on, follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to the Walmart Integration App.
  2. Click the Product menu.
  3. Click Manage Products. The Manage Product page appears as shown in the following figure:Manage Products
  4. For selected products, select the checkbox on the left side of the product grid corresponding to the products you want to list on If you want to select all the products and upload them to, then click “Select all 25+ items“.
  5. After selecting the products, select “Upload Product” from the “Select bulk action” drop-down.
  6. Then, click on the Action button.
    The Product Upload page appears as shown in the following figure:

    The product upload process is executed, and the status appears.

Note: If there is an error in the product upload process, it appears on the page. Otherwise, a success message appears with the process status.





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